Name: Fat cats.
Age: Probably no older than 10, given their propensity to die young.
Appearance: Fat.
Surely you mean delightfully cuddly. Oh, who’s a pretty boy then? Roll over and let me tickle your tummy. Don’t be so ridiculous. That’s just the sort of attitude that is KILLING CATS.
What are you on about? The internet is now full of pictures of fat cats that their owners think are adorable but are actually health disasters, barely able to fit through a cat flap, let alone jump on to a ledge. In fact, the only time they jump is when their owner fills their feeding bowl.
That’s not ideal. In any case, flabby felines should not be encouraged, as, I’m afraid to say, Instagram accounts such as Round Boys and Round Animals, with their hundreds of thousands of followers, do.
這種狀況很不理想。不管在任何情況下,都不該鼓勵把貓咪養得這麼胖,但我必須說,Instagram 上有很多帳號像是 Round Boys 和 Round Animals,有著成千上萬的追蹤,這些人都很推崇把貓咪養得肥肥胖胖的。
And who is kicking up a fuss about meaty moggies? The pet food company Purina, part of Nestlé, seems to have got this ball rolling.
那麼是誰在助長歪風,把貓咪養成這樣肥嘟嘟的模樣呢?雀巢底下的寵物食品公司 Purina 似乎就是在帶頭做這件事。
That’s odd – you would think such companies would want to sell as much as pet food possible. Fat cat capitalism. Libby Sheridan, veterinary technical affairs manager at Purina UK and Ireland, says cat owners have a “skewed perception” of what constitutes a healthy weight. “People think their pets should be cuddly,” she says. But cuddliness can kill! “It’s particularly an issue with cats,” says Sheridan.
他們這麼做也太奇怪了吧—可別忘了,這些公司也是希望寵物食品賣越多越好,這就是胖貓資本主義。但是 Purita 英國和愛爾蘭分部的獸醫技術事務經理 Libby Sheridan 表示,貓咪飼主對於「健康體重」的標準很神祕。「人們覺得寵物就是要抱起來很舒服、毛茸茸的才對,但這樣可是會加速牠們的死亡啊!肥胖尤其對於貓咪來說是個非常嚴重的問題。」
Why? The fat finger of blame is being pointed firmly at the internet craze for posting pictures of tubby tabbies. Not just Round Boys on Instagram, but the Facebook group This Cat Is Chonky, which is devoted to the larger cat and has amassed more than 850,000 members since its launch in May 2018.
到底肥胖風氣是從何開啟的?胖胖的手指(罪魁禍首)堅定地指向在網路上造成狂熱的胖貓圖片。不只是 Instagram 上的 Round Boys,還有 Facebook 上的社團 This Cat Is Chonky,該社團瘋狂鼓勵大家把貓養胖,而且自從 2018 年 5 月以來,社團成員數已超過了 85 萬。
Chonky? Internet-speak for chunky. The “chonk scale” became a meme in 2018, with “chonkness” measured on a BMI chart that went from “A fine boi” to “OH LAWD HE COMIN”.
Chonky 這個字是網路用語,是從 chuncky(矮胖的)所演變而來。「你家的貓貓有多胖」是 2018 年的一個迷因,這張梗圖用 BMI 值來表示貓咪的肥胖程度,下面還加上了有趣的註解,從最瘦的「結實的孩子」到最胖的「我的老天鵝貓主子駕到啦」。
Sounds fun. Indeed, and rule one of Chonk club is: “No chonk shaming.” But the new pet puritans reckon some pet (and owner) shaming is now in order.
聽起來好像很有趣。但事實上,Chonk 社團的第一條規矩就是「不胖就是恥辱(No chonk shaming.)」。不過,現在一些新的飼主似乎認為寵物(以及飼主)才應該為過胖感到羞恥。
given 考慮到、有鑑於
propensity 毛病
Don't be ridiculous. 別傻了
be on about (生氣時的質問)到底是什麼意思
let alone 更別說
flabby 贅肉很多、鬆垮垮的
kick up a fuss 挑起事端
get the ball rolling 讓事情繼續發展下去
skewed 捉摸不定的
the finger of blame 罪魁禍首
amass 累積
be in order 為王道
艾咪碎碎念:大家新年快樂!上周不小心就放假放得太高興,自動停更XD 不過這周恢復更新啦!這次的文章跟喵星人有關,也希望大家多多為貓咪的健康著想囉ˊˇˋ