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Want to look modern? Raise the waistline of your dress, jeans or skirt

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I would never buy anything to wear without trying it on in front of a full-length mirror. Not even a pair of earrings. Never, ever a pair of shoes. This sounds like eccentric fashion editor woo-woo but is actually the opposite. It is the most practical way to tell when a look works and when it doesn’t, because proportion is the thing that matters most. Shape and silhouette are what make the difference between elegance and ugliness, and between looking modern and looking dated.

Sometimes what nails a now-looking outfit is how the volume of fabric sits on your body. (The answer here is, and has been for some time, to avoid sausage skin-tight.) At other times, the make-or-break ratio is width of jean leg at the ankle: flare, straight or skinny. Broad shoulder pads and a darted waist were the key in mapping the inverted triangle of a power-dressing jacket. But right now, what skewers an on-trend look is how high your waist is.

What, you thought your waist stayed in the same place? Nope. The waist moves up and down, over the years. In the early noughties, the rise from crotch to waist on a pair of hipster jeans was six inches. Since then, waists have crept up. Levi’s Ribcage jeans, with an extra couple of buttons added at the fly, have a 12in rise and reach almost to – you guessed it, the ribcage.
什麼?你說你的腰線一直以來都在同個位置嗎?不不不。腰線會隨著年代上上下下。在 2000 年代初期,當時最潮的低腰牛仔褲腰線從褲襠上升了六英吋到達腰際線。從此之後,腰線就不斷往上爬。像是 Levi’s 最新推出的「高腰系丹寧」,褲頭的拉鍊增加了好幾顆鈕扣,拉鍊總長有 12 英吋,幾乎一路到達—你沒猜錯,到達肋骨的地方。

A high waistline – only an inch or two, not Jane Austen empire-line bra-strap height – will instantly make an outfit look up-to-date. This is not only about trousers and jeans. If a dress isn’t A-line it has a waistline, even if that’s just a seam, rather than a belt. And if that waistline is slightly raised it instantly elevates a body-skimming dress, making it look more elegant and romantic. A bit less Fox News and a bit more The Vampire’s Wife, if you know what I mean. And if you’re not sure, I suggest you look in a full-length mirror.
腰線提高一點,就可以立刻讓整件衣服看起來時髦很多。這裡指的高腰是只有提高個一兩吋,而不是像珍·奧斯汀那個年代到達肩帶的那種地步。不只有長褲或牛仔褲適用,只要不是 A 字的洋裝都有腰線,即使它沒有腰帶只有縫線。把洋裝的腰線稍微提高一點,瞬間就會變得很合身,讓整體看起來高雅浪漫。總之,少看一點福斯新聞、多逛一下 The Vampire’s Wife 這種時裝店,你懂我的意思吧。如果你還是不太確定,建議你就先照照全身鏡吧。

full-length mirror 全身鏡
woo-woo 鬼話連篇
make-or-break ratio 成敗關鍵

flare 喇叭褲;straight 直筒褲;skinny 窄管褲
noughties 2000-2010 年
fly 褲頭拉鍊
body-skimming 合身的

艾咪碎碎念:今天選了一篇在講穿搭的短文,希望大家看得歡喜>< 想看什麼內容也歡迎許願,還有想贊助偶悶喝飲料也歡迎斗內啦 *^O^*